Cub Scout Activities: Adventuring from Home Rank Challenges

My Pack is issuing Rank Challenges to help our Scouts stay involved and entertained over this prolonged period of self-quarantine and social distancing.

As an addition to my post about Webelos/AOL Adventures to Complete at Home, which includes an extensive look at how Scouts can complete numerous adventures from the safety of home, I decided to create challenges for each of the dens in my care.

Please feel free to download and use as you see fit. Note that these DO include reference to our Pack’s closed Facebook group. If you download these forms, please give this blog post a link and/or share. It would help me out a lot and would give more Scouters the opportunity to use them.

Free Virtual Backgrounds

If you’re looking to switch things up in your next Zoom meeting, and hide the piles of Scout Stuff stacked up in your room, consider virtual backgrounds. I’m sure you’ve had Scouts floating in space or enjoying a tropical vacation in recent meetings, and maybe you’ve wondered how. Download your own at “Scouting Tech: Free Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Backgrounds for Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings

There are several free tools out there that are perfect for virtual meetings. Check out “Scouting Tech: Online Conferencing Tools for Virtual Meetings” for suggestions and tutorials for hosting your own Den and Pack meetings online using Facebook Live, Skype, Zoom, and Google Hangouts. Each option is easy to use and built to suit the needs of each individual unit.

Are Your AOL’s Ready for a Troop?

It’s a strange time, but we can still find a way to transition our AOL’s into a Troop and get them on that advancement track right away. Check out “Pack-to-Troop Transitions: Preparing AOLs (and their PL’s) for Scout Rank” to learn about virtual transitions. This post includes free resources for PL’s and APL’s to use as they lead their new Scout patrols.

Other Cool Virtual Resources

Did this post help you out? Awesome! 🙂 Let me know in the comments, and if you have a resource to share, please include that as well.

We’ll get through this together! Yours in Scouting,

Published by Look Wider Still

Rebekah is the mother of two wonderful sons, Michael and Nate. She and her husband, Mike, married in 2002 and have built their family on a foundation of adventure. Between geocaching, camping, hiking, cooking, fishing, crafting, reading, and snuggling their Irish Terrier, Bentley, they enjoy a long and happy career in Scouting. The boys come from a long line of Scouters, including Eagles on all sides. Mike has served as assistant den leader, treasurer, and Pack Committee member, and Rebekah has served as den leader and Cubmaster for Pack 521 out of Mechanicsville, Virginia.

19 thoughts on “Cub Scout Activities: Adventuring from Home Rank Challenges

  1. Wondering if you could give us ideas on what to do for “awards”. 4 of our cubs are almost finished with “adventures” and now would be a great time to work on the others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jamie, thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion like this, I am truly so grateful! I’m actually working today on a post about the SCOUTStrong PALA Award to include a game I made for my own Pack. Do you have a special award in particular that you’re interested in?

      Scout on,


    1. Sherry, thank you! It means a lot to me that YOU of all people want to share them, wow! It’s also funny timing – my now outgoing AOL den worked on Adventures in Science in March and April. I, along with many of my Scouts, made the paper rockets and launchers using your tutorials. I swear one of our rockets soared well over 90 feet in the air, it was amazing. Just today I had a parent post a video of her son’s launch over the weekend. All smiles everywhere!

      Thanks again for the comment and share.

      Yours in Scouting,


      1. Oh, Rebekah! You just made my day!! Thank you so much for your kind words. They meant so much to me. 🙂

        I added a link to your post to one of mine, and I’m going to share it on my Facebook page!


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