Scouts BSA Patrol Activities: Virtual Whisper Game

“Scouting is not an abstruse or difficult science: rather it is a jolly game if you take it in the right light. In the same time it is educative, and (like Mercy) it is apt to benefit him that giveth as well as him that receives.

– Lord Robert Baden-Powell

A jolly game sounds good about now, and if you’re several weeks into virtual meetings, you’re looking for new ideas. Last week I shared my son’s Scouts BSA Patrol Activities: Scout Rank Bingo Game, and you all seemed to enjoy it so I thought I’d share what he’s up to next.

You can’t be all business all the time… all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, afterall. Starting off a patrol meeting with a little game is a mood-lifter and gets everyone in the right frame of mind for learning. Don’t forget to keep it simple, make it fun!

The Scouts Whisper Game is a great opportunity to encourage Scout Spirit and practice the trustworthy, friendly, courteous, kind, and cheerful points of our Scout Law. Much like the Whisper Challenge played on the Tonight Show, this game offers up funny phrases that Scouts try to guess by reading lips, all over Zoom, Skype, or any other virtual meeting program.

Here are the rules:

  • The PL will split the patrol into two equal teams. 
  • To decide which team goes first, representatives from each of the two teams will call either head or tails, and the PL will flip a coin.
  • The team will then decide who will go first, and the PL will message that Scout a phrase.
  • The Scout will then mute their microphone and say the phrase.  Their team mates (not members of the other team) will guess the phrase.
  • If they haven’t guessed the correct phrase in 30 seconds, the opposing team can discuss for 10 seconds and make one guess.
  • Whoever guesses correctly earns their team 10 points and dibs on the next phrase.
  • This continues until all Scouts have had a chance to participate OR an allotted amount of time passes.

Some of the phrases:

  • A Scout is Loyal
  • I pledge allegiance
  • I eat pancakes
  • Blow your nose


A Scouts Virtual Whisper Game (PDF)

I hope this is helpful to your Scouts and that it finds you in good health! Don’t forget to follow, like, and share Look Wider Still.

Yours in Scouting,

Scouting Activities: Scout-Themed Pictionary Zoom Game

As the weeks go on and virtual meetings continue, your PL might find themselves running out of good ideas to keep things exciting and interesting. You can only share screen so many Power Point presentations before Scouts start taking virtual naps during their weekly virtual Patrol meeting. If you find yourself in a slump or in need of a last-minute game, try my Scout-Themed Pictionary Zoom Game!

Scouting Activities: SCOUTERGORIES Zoom Game

Do you remember family game night growing up? Some games made for a fun evening, like Candy Land and Life while others turned typically sweet family members into wild-eyed logophiles, like Scattergories. Was that just my childhood home? I hope so.

As an adult, I’ve come to love the game again. My son (the PL) and I were talking about games he could play over Zoom this week, and in the midst of a pretty desperate brainstorm, a lightbulb went off. What about Scattergories for Scouts… Scoutergories? Learn more at Scouting Activities: SCOUTERGORIES Zoom Game!

Scouts BSA Patrol Activities: Scout Rank BINGO Game

My son (PL) is wrapping up the 30 Day Rank Challenge posted by the Heart of America Council, with his brand new patrol of brand new Scouts, and as he mulled over how to test them on what they’ve learned. After careful consideration, we talked over his strategy and he decided he’d rather make it a game than outright quiz his patrol on Scouting details. Keep it simple, make it fun! Right? So we brainstormed games that could be played through his next Zoom meeting, and landed squarely on BINGO. Learn more at Scouts BSA Patrol Activities: Scout Rank Bingo Game.

Using Zoom Breakout Rooms for Survival Situation Games

Before splitting Scouts into breakout rooms, my son read off a survival situation and provided a fun list of found items they would need to use to make it through their situation. He pasted the list in the Zoom chat and then used the broadcast feature to send it to them again once they were sent to their rooms. He gave them five minutes to discuss the situation, rank their items from most- to least-important, and brought them back together as a full group to discuss. He encouraged them to have fun together, and to choose a group representative to come back and share what they’d discussed. My son randomly chose who would go into each breakout room (literally just figured out how many would need to be in each room and started clicking with reckless abandon… a very teenaged boy thing to do) and sent them on their way. Learn more at Scouting Tech: Using Zoom Breakout Rooms for Survival Situation Games.

Preparing AOLs (and their PL’s) for Scout Rank

Their first meeting is simple: simple flag ceremony, the Lord’s Prayer, roll call, introductions, an overview of the Scout rank and 30-day Challenge, and patrol business. They’ll start thinking of their patrol name and yell, and each Scout can work on flag design ideas. The PL will set a standard for uniforming and let Scouts know there will be periodic checks. Scouts will be tasked with working to complete days 1-7 on the 30-Day Challenge. Before closing out for the night, they can play a virtual game or perform a task together, like learning a new knot. A simple closing, to include a closing thought by the PL and/or APLs about the importance of Scouting, wraps up the meeting. Learn more at Pack-to-Troop Transitions: Preparing AOLs (and their PL’s) for Scout Rank.

Free Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA Backgrounds for Virtual Meetings

If you’re looking to switch things up in your next Zoom meeting, and hide the piles of Scout Stuff stacked up in your room, consider virtual backgrounds. I’m sure you’ve had Scouts floating in space or enjoying a tropical vacation in recent meetings, and maybe you’ve wondered how. In a recent update, Zoom made it possible to change your background without a green screen, which seems to work well for my Scouts on tablets or laptops, but my old PC doesn’t have the processing power to make it happen. If you’re able to use the virtual backgrounds without a green screen, or used your Scout Skills to make one for your next meeting, you’ll need to find some cool backgrounds. There are TONS of freebies out there, but I thought I’d take some time to create Cub Scout and Scouts BSA -specific images that are free to use. Learn more at Scouting Tech: Free Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Backgrounds for Virtual Meetings.

Published by Look Wider Still

Rebekah is the mother of two wonderful sons, Michael and Nate. She and her husband, Mike, married in 2002 and have built their family on a foundation of adventure. Between geocaching, camping, hiking, cooking, fishing, crafting, reading, and snuggling their Irish Terrier, Bentley, they enjoy a long and happy career in Scouting. The boys come from a long line of Scouters, including Eagles on all sides. Mike has served as assistant den leader, treasurer, and Pack Committee member, and Rebekah has served as den leader and Cubmaster for Pack 521 out of Mechanicsville, Virginia.