Scouting Tech: Building Your Unit Website with New Google Sites

This tutorial teaches Scouters how to develop a Unit website utilizing New Google Sites. A Scout is a lot of things, as we all know. They’re all 12 Points of the Scout Law and so much more; and if this year is any indication of our enduring Scout Spirit, then I’d say with confidence thatContinue reading “Scouting Tech: Building Your Unit Website with New Google Sites”

Scouts BSA Merit Badge: Using Google Classrooms for Virtual Merit Badges

This crazy coronavirus has certainly changed the world we live in. All of us are adapting the way we shop, the way we socialize, and the way we parent. We’re grappling with an overwhelming amount of information and the politicization of every decision we make, most of the time struggling to determine the lesser ofContinue reading “Scouts BSA Merit Badge: Using Google Classrooms for Virtual Merit Badges”

Scouting Tech: Online Conferencing Tools for Virtual Meetings

This article includes references to the Cyber Chip, which retired in 2022. Cub Scouts are now referred to “The Protect Yourself Rules” video series found at We’re navigating some seriously uncharted territory right now, trying to find ways to maintain some normalcy and keep the kids from physically turning into the Fortnite character they’re obsessivelyContinue reading “Scouting Tech: Online Conferencing Tools for Virtual Meetings”